Thursday 17 January 2019

Rapid Alert – Your Mobile Can Make You Severely Ill

In the world of internet and technology, one can see almost every head peeping downwards towards the phone screens. Mobile phones have turned out to be one of the indelible necessities of modern-day human but, with every good thing there comes a hidden negative effect and in the case of mobile phones, it is the harmful radiations that it produces. Smartphones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues that are placed close to the phone, usually the hand and ear. Scientists have reported adverse health effects of using mobile phones including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns. If you are a victim of this radiation and in need of MedicalTourism In India, you must reach out to Indo American Health. In case, you are just trying to discover the side-effects of getting engaged in mobile phones for more than the required period, you must read the following points:

  • World Health Organization has classified cell phone radiation as "Possible Human Carcinogen" that means that it poses an increased risk of brain cancer.
  • It is found in some research that radiation from mobile phones can cause damage to the brain tissue.
  • Multiple studies have shown the formation of many types of cancer such as cancer of the pituitary gland, thyroid cancer, stem cell cancer, etc.
If you are searching for a place where you can get budgeted and reliable treatment for brain cancer then deem BrainCancer Treatment In India is the one that should be trusted as the experts here are famous for providing ace-quality medical-care to people. Contact Indo American Health to be provided with the best services without breaking your bank.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

How Colorectal Cancer Start And Spreads?

Cancer is spreading in the society like a fire and the treatments need to act like a powerful fire extinguisher. Among the many cancer types, one is Colorectal Cancer that starts in the colon and spread into other body parts if not treated properly. If you have been diagnosed with the same and looking for reliable medical care at reasonable costs, Indo American Health’s facilities of Medical Tourism In India are what you need to reach for. They will help you to come to India and bridge the gap between you and the right hospitals and treatment. You can depend on them for getting services related to travel, medical care and accommodation.

Getting Back To The Point – Colorectal Cancer

This cancer starts forming inside the inner lining of colon or rectum. This growth of cancerous cells is known as polyps.  It can spread and get uncontrollable over time. The main two kinds of polyps that are found on the inner lining are:
·         Adenomatous polyps (adenomas)
·         Hyperplastic polyps and inflammatory polyps

Spreading Of Cancer -

Cancer can grow into the wall of the colon or rectum over time if it is not treated properly. There are many layers of rectum which can be affected by the growth and infect the blood vessels or lymph vessels, travelling to different parts of the body through these vessels get easy. To stop this to happen, one must look for a trusted form of treatment. Cancer Specialist In India recognised to serve humanity by treating the problem with perfection and their knowledge.

You must come in contact with Indo American Health to attain the benefits of medical travel. To know more, call us now. 

Sunday 11 November 2018

Different Surgeries Available For Brain Tumors

Brain tumor can or cannot be malignant but in both the cases, it puts the patient on a greater risk regarding health. There are various stages of a brain tumor and many of those can be treated effectively if you get the treatment on time. If your loved one is diagnosed with this issue, you can bring them to India as Brain Tumor Treatment In India is renowned and many people from within the boundaries of the country and outside, have taken the benefits of the medical care at low costs.

There are multiple treatments that are available for reducing the effects of the health, the most common ones are:

·         Biopsy: It refers to the surgical procedure which removes a small piece of tumor from the brain that is utilised to confirm the diagnosis. The sample of the tumor is kept under the microscope to be examined by a pathologist. The biopsy can be done as part of the surgery or a whole different procedure.

·         Craniotomy: The procedure in which the tumor is completely removed is known as craniotomy. Usually, a portion of the scalp is shaved before performing this treatment. Specialized types of equipment are used to remove a piece of bone to expose the area of the brain that is affected by the tumor. After the removal of the tumor, the bone is usually replaced and the scalp gets stitched.

·         Shunt: There are cases in which the patients develop increases intracranial pressure and a procedure that takes place to drain excess or blocked fluid is called shunt.

You can get in touch with Indo American Health if you want to experience splendid services of Medical Tourism In India. We will take care of the medical, tourism or accommodation-related facilities. If you want to know more about us, give us a call now.

Friday 2 November 2018

Precautions You Should Take After Liver Transplant

Liver Failure is a dreadful problem that requires the transplant of the organ. In case you or your loved one is soon going to have a liver transplant, then you need to know about the precautions you have to take after the successful surgery. In case you are finding an ideal place to get a liver transplant, you are welcome to India. Here, you can get trusted and affordable medical care by the experts and you shall come in contact with Indo American Health to schedule your medical tour as they offer praiseworthy services of Medical Tourism In India.

Here are a few tips that must be noted if you want to have a fast recovery after your operation –

Cleanliness Is The Key – Infections find ways to enter your body and you must be prepared with proper defence system to protect yourself against it, especially after the surgery. You must take a bath regularly, get your bed sheets changed and maintain a distance from the visitors as the germs can very dreadfully affect your wounds, even if a little bit of carelessness is shown.

Eating Habits – The patient may notice a voracious hunger and that is a good sign that shows recovery. But one needs to eat for the stomach instead of the tongue during this period, which means that eating healthy and nutritious food must be considered above the flavour-rich dishes.

There are many other precautions that you’ll need to take after your surgery that will be told to you by your surgeon. Liver Transplant In India is a trusted treatment by many as the doctors make use of advanced technology and don’t ask for a price that drills a hole in the patients’ pocket. To know more connect to us through mail or call.

Friday 21 September 2018

Types And Causes Of Kidney Failures

The kidney is an important organ which is shaped like beans and these 4-5 inches long organ is placed on either side of the spine. A kidney failure is a stage where this organ stops filtering the blood. If your surgeon or doctor has recommended you to have a kidney transplant then you must get it done in India through us. Indo American Health facilitates Medical Tourism In India and helps people to get in touch with the best hospitals, surgeons and get easy accommodations as well.

Causes Of Kidney Failure:
  •          Diabetes
  •          High Blood Pressure
  •          Use of wrong drugs
  •          Urinary tract infection
  •          Heart attack
  •          A blood clot in or around the kidneys, etc.

Types Of Kidney Failures:

Acute Prerenal Kidney Failure - When a less amount of blood flows into the kidney, it causes the situation where the kidneys cannot filter toxins from the blood. This type of failure is curable.

Acute Intrinsic Kidney Failure - This kind of kidney failure can be caused due to many reasons such as a trauma, lack of oxygen, severe bleeding, etc.

Chronic Prerenal Kidney Failure - This type of failure is diagnosed when the kidneys shrink due to lack of oxygen and it stops functioning properly. Chronic Intrinsic Kidney Failure - This kind of failure is seen when the kidneys are severely damaged due to a trauma or accident.

Chronic Post-Renal Kidney Failure - Kidney damage in this type results in blockage of the urinary tract.

In case you are planning to have a Kidney Transplant In India, you can have it under expert surgeons, with us by your side. We will also provide the facilities for getting a good place to stay and sightseeing, etc. To know more, give us a call.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Advantages Of Organ Transplant

The procedure of replacing an organ which is failed or is no use to the body with another one is referred as Organ Transplant. Countries like India, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil and others are successfully transplanting the organs from one body to another. Different organs like Heart, Kidney, Liver, Eyes, etc can be transplanted. Indo American Health facilitates Medical Tourism in India and, you can get in touch with reliable and expert surgeons through us. There are many advantages to getting an organ transplant done. Some of them are:-
  • Organ Transplant Saves A Life – An Organ Transplant will become successful only when someone has donated his/her organs for saving a life. His or her body parts can turn beneficial for others who would have died due to the lack of it.
  • Increases Responsibility Towards Your Health- A person who recently went through an organ transplant would not be careless about his or her health as he or she must have experienced the worst result that can be possible due to such behaviour.
Organ Transplant In India has a huge success rate and if you want to get it done, you can plan your medical trip to the country too. We will make your medical tour easy and less troublesome. You can contact us now to plan it with us.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Laser Eye Surgery – Common Questions That You Need To Get Answered

Laser Eye Surgery is one of the common procedures that help you get rid of your lenses or glasses forever. It’s a painless procedure that has effective results. In most of the western countries, its cost is higher than the normal, which pull them to India for getting it done within their stipulated budget. Yes, the cost of LaserEye Surgery in India is comparatively low, so, you can plan your medical trip for here. But before that, here are some of the common questions related to surgery with their answers for you.

  • How Long The Results Of Laser Eye Surgery Last?

Basically, the results of laser eye surgery are meant to last a lifetime. You don’t need to undergo the same procedure over and over again as it is a one-time procedure that has effective results.

  • Who Is An Ideal Candidate For It?

It treats a number of sight problems and for undergoing the one, patients need to be 21 or above. Pregnant women or breastfeeding moms are not allowed to undergo the surgery, as It could affect their health adversely.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of laser eye surgery varies from country to country, but it’s comparatively lower in India than many other western parts. Therefore, India is considered the best for such treatment.

So, if you are the one who is planning to undergo the treatment, you can plan your medical trip to the country. Get help from Indo American Health – as our services for MedicalTourism In India won’t let you down. For more assistance, be in touch now. We’ll be happy to answer your queries.